Monday, August 8, 2011

The Politics of Debt and the Whitehouse

Okay, I've kept my mouth shut long enough, this is CRAZY! If you or that kook you're friends with thinks that we (as a country) would've been in the flush cycle of the toilet more than we are now if the August debt deadline hit you're in for a rude awakening.  I like the line Bill O'Reilly mentioned "He (the President) voted present." Yes he did and if it surprised you I'd be willing to bet you DON'T PAY INCOME TAX.  Most likely you get an EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) or money from people like my family because you're either not smart enough, ambitious enough or voted for President O'Bama and that sucks for the rest of us.  I  know it's Bush's fault, and I'm really a closet liberal...NOT! After 2.5 years in the job this economy belongs to the current administration.

Listen what ever happened to actual Capitalism? Whatever happened to the idea of letting the economy heal its self by deregulation and smaller government? Oh wait the terrorists who supported candidates who actually won are now in Washington.  You know those same terrorists who want a smaller government with lower taxes and Washington to pass a balanced budget amendment; the Tea Party.  If you read my earlier post you know that the FEA is taking a clue from us Party members by trying to understand how a grassroots organization can carry so much power? It's simple, the average American is neither right nor left but votes with their wallets or what is important to them not overall ideology. 

Now, and  don't faint, in defense of the President, Hannity and others have been asking why he didn't put forth his own plan,  well,  that's really not his job it's up to the Congress and then for him to say yeah or nay.  Now tell me the truth, with Harry Reid ready to table anything remotely objectionable, why would he put his neck into the lion's mouth? Harry is his white knight and this way he's NOT on the record with the election on the horizon.  

What we really need is the Tea Party and every other American to really put the hammer down and DEMAND the elected officials CUT the budget, ELIMINATE Regulations and CREATE a smaller government or they will be UNEMPLOYED. We each have a budget to live on so should Washington, it's just that SIMPLE. Oh and if you're wondering, there are some Tea Party members of Congress that will be voting for Tax INCREASES and watch how fast they'll be UNEMPLOYED after the next election.

Here's a thought, if Trump wants in the Presidential race; RUN AS A DEMOCRAT!  I'm not the first to mention it but there are other choices...Al Gore (Global Warming is Dead), Jessie Jackson (you know this one), Nancy Pelosi (she wouldn't like the pay cut), and everyone's favorite, wait for it,  Hillary Clinton (though she won't, if for no other reason because she doesn't want Bill to be chasing Whitehouse staff again).  I'm by far not the first to say this but it's worth speculating and maybe someone out there has enough Testosterone to take the nomination away from O'Bama, what  do they have to lose? Socialism  DOESN'T WORK just ask  Spain, France, Italy and especially Greece. 
