Monday, September 26, 2011

Orlando Republican Debate

So what was different this time than from the last? Let’s see Perry got flustered when he was attacked by almost every other Candidate. Romney did look very Presidential and stayed on point which put him up by a few points but otherwise not much much was different but some things did stand out. First Herman Cain seemed to get a bit more time and he was on the spot on his answers. Next Ron Paul did say he’d eliminate the Department of Education (DOE) and that was echoed by several others.

Huntsman stepped up and proved he could play with the big boys. If there was a clear winner, and there wasn’t, in my never to be bias opinion he came close. He spoke of his foreign service, his desire to kill O’Bama care and on every question he was on point, actually quite impressive.  I especially liked his line: “The world is a better place when the United Sates is Strong.” Then there was his line that got a big applause from the crowd when he said; “…all I want at this point in history is for America to save America.”

Ron Paul’s supporters were all over the two conservative chat sites I was contributing to and they were pushing his numbers up on the informal pole and I did have to laugh when he said of himself that he was a “Top Tier Candidate”. He did say he would veto every bill that went against the 10th Amendment, which I don’t recall anyone else saying. And I did like his comment concerning Government Education when he said; “If you care about your kids you’ll get the Government out of Education.” There’s an old Communist proverb that says if you want to spread communism let the government educate your children.

Bachmann both during the debate and especially after the debate when interviewed by Sean Hannity reminded me of a concerned Soccer Mom rather than a candidate for President. She did have a few gotcha points like “closing the doors and turning off the lights on the DOE.”

Newt had one good memorable line when he said; “It is fundamentally wrong to give people money for 99 weeks for doing nothing..”

Herman Cain who won the Orlando Straw Vote did well when he took a shot at Romney when he said Romney was hooked on the current Tax Code and “That dog won’t hunt.” He did give a personal moment discussing his cancer and O’Bama Care.
Santorum reminded me of a man trying to grasp at a float ring while drowning in the ocean. He scrapped and attacked but made no real impression on anyone but himself. He does look like a good choice for VP especially when he spoke of education; “It is Parent’s responsibility to educate their children.” That only works for those of us who are in the minority who do. Most parents could care less and they treat educators like glorified babysitters.

In conclusion Perry seemed on the defensive, Romeny seemed polished and very Presidential compared to the field. Gov. Johnson in his first appearance spoke of his neighbor’s dogs making “shovel ready” jobs but otherwise I wasn’t impressed and other than Huntsman, Perry and Romney nobody really stood out for more than a single line or two. Politico and Newsmax are saying that Christie is being pushed hard to get into the race. As I’ve said before, the Conservative voters want someone to bring Nationalism or a sense of Patriotism back to our country and only Christie or Trump could do it. The Candidates on the stage did little to inspire anyone including the voters.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

President O'Bama's Job Speech

Okay, he’s finally on TV for a legit reason…supposedly. In the past when the President wanted to speak to Congress on TV all he had to do was ask and everyone jumped to accommodate him. But now we have a President with such little credibility that he tried twice and then was deemed less important than a football game. Let me explain why…

1.  He wants regulation reform: Yet the EPA has filed suit against a farmer for polluting the air because his hay bales are NOT covered.
2.  He wants Tax Reform that has “everyone paying their fare share.” Well Mr. President, haven’t you ever heard of the FLAT TAX? But he put his statement in the form of Class warfare.
3.  “Every proposal” he says have been voted on by “both parties” but what are the proposals? All fluff but no substance.He’s giving us a “Jobs Bill” but not telling us what’s in it. Didn’t Nancy Pelosi do that when she said Congress needed to pass a Bill so we can see what’s in it? He’s giving us ice cream but not telling us the flavor.
4. He made a point of saying he wants other countries to buy “Fords and Chevys” however Honda, Toyota and Hyundai all build cars that are stamped “Made in the USA” however they don’t kiss the ass of the UAW (United Auto Workers), funny how he left out that little part.

According to Politico the price tag is $447 Billion that he says will be paid for but how? Where is he going to make the cuts or are we going to borrow more from China, wait, I know, we’ll raise taxes on the “RICH”. Remember they don’t pay their fair share, CRAP. I’m tired of paying not only MY “Fair Share” but apparently all of those who get their Income Tax BACK and an EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) which is money they DID NOT EARN from those of us who DID. Mr. President STOP trying to sell the same old snake oil, nobody wants it anymore. CBS said that “he didn’t say Stimulus” and they are right he DIDN’T however, now call me cynical but THAT’S what it SOUNDED like to ME! 

But hey, he’s a good Speaker and in 14 months he can go out and join other Past Presidents on the Speaking circuit.
