Thursday, September 8, 2011

President O'Bama's Job Speech

Okay, he’s finally on TV for a legit reason…supposedly. In the past when the President wanted to speak to Congress on TV all he had to do was ask and everyone jumped to accommodate him. But now we have a President with such little credibility that he tried twice and then was deemed less important than a football game. Let me explain why…

1.  He wants regulation reform: Yet the EPA has filed suit against a farmer for polluting the air because his hay bales are NOT covered.
2.  He wants Tax Reform that has “everyone paying their fare share.” Well Mr. President, haven’t you ever heard of the FLAT TAX? But he put his statement in the form of Class warfare.
3.  “Every proposal” he says have been voted on by “both parties” but what are the proposals? All fluff but no substance.He’s giving us a “Jobs Bill” but not telling us what’s in it. Didn’t Nancy Pelosi do that when she said Congress needed to pass a Bill so we can see what’s in it? He’s giving us ice cream but not telling us the flavor.
4. He made a point of saying he wants other countries to buy “Fords and Chevys” however Honda, Toyota and Hyundai all build cars that are stamped “Made in the USA” however they don’t kiss the ass of the UAW (United Auto Workers), funny how he left out that little part.

According to Politico the price tag is $447 Billion that he says will be paid for but how? Where is he going to make the cuts or are we going to borrow more from China, wait, I know, we’ll raise taxes on the “RICH”. Remember they don’t pay their fair share, CRAP. I’m tired of paying not only MY “Fair Share” but apparently all of those who get their Income Tax BACK and an EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) which is money they DID NOT EARN from those of us who DID. Mr. President STOP trying to sell the same old snake oil, nobody wants it anymore. CBS said that “he didn’t say Stimulus” and they are right he DIDN’T however, now call me cynical but THAT’S what it SOUNDED like to ME! 

But hey, he’s a good Speaker and in 14 months he can go out and join other Past Presidents on the Speaking circuit.


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