Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Debt Ceiling & Government Spending

Okay, if I'm an alcoholic and I keep escalating how much I drink until I run out of money suppose I cut back on my eating so I can spend more on alcohol.  That makes sense right? Wait, I'll stop my son's allowance therefore I can spend that on more alcohol.  Oh I just got a raise at work but I've already just boosted my money allotment but hey now I can get more.

That's where we are with the Debt Ceiling.  Though we make cuts we will still spend more on whatever, just like an alcoholic or drug addict would do.  Though we cut in other areas the spending continues if we raise the limit.  Suppose we I didn't get the pay raise? The cuts I've made would limit me and make me prioritize where I spend the money I'm now saving.  President O'Bama says we "may not have it in the budget" to pay the military and elderly.  Wait a moment, wasn't the Social Security money supposed to be in a "lock box"? Oh, no, as of LBJ's administration it's now part of the General Fund and we now have Illegal Aliens that collect from Social Security; explain to me why?  Next instead of cutting back on things like entitlements, though they also need to be modified, how about the screwy things that get funded.  Here's a few I've heard about over the course of the last few months...look them up and please verify the dollar figure.

$1,000,000.00       A study on the penis size of homosexual men.

$4,000,000.00      2 women wanted to teach men in Africa how to use condoms.

$750,000.00         A study by a University of Oklahoma student who is looking at
                            Grandparents and their relationship with their Grandchildren.

And the list goes on and on go ahead and Google them.  I have several websites that I look at each day and they're loaded with these things.  Hey how about a High Speed train that would go from Orlando to Tampa in the same amount of time as you can drive it...yeah it seems it never ends and yet we want to allow the President to spend more? Are you out of your mind.  Didn't we vote new members in because we've HAD ENOUGH of this crap? Maybe I missed the point when we become Greece with a total breakdown of all services and our country goes bankrupt because they forget that we only have a finite amount of money in the world and our pockets.  Somebody explain this to me, PLEASE! As I said in an earlier post, Sarkozy is taking France kicking and screaming into a Market Economy and away from Socialism.  When those who drain the economy rather than contributing to it outnumber the producers we're doomed...oh wait they already do! STOP THIS MADNESS! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Marco Rubio is right, "we don't need more taxes we need more Tax Payers." Spread out the tax burden and cut this "garbage" spending.  Have a "means test" for those collecting government checks and NO Illegal Aliens.  They're ILLEGAL and therefor have NO rights and contribute NOTHING.  Maybe they should return to their former country since they send so much back and I see flags flying from those countries not our flag.  And I'm NOT talking about the Germans or the Norwegians when I'm talking about illegals.  That's a whole new set of issues and I'll address it in another post.

So call, write or somehow get in touch with those knuckleheads in Washington DC (not the Washington State) and tell them ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!



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