Monday, June 27, 2011

Who Cares?

This could be entitled Rants and Raves but that title has be long overdone so I ask again; "Who Cares?"

First off Libya and I ask "Who Cares?" and why exactly are we there? Several years ago we showed Madman Khadafi that we could get at him when we took out his son and other members of his family so he's kept a low profile.  There was no love for the Taliband in Libya but now there's potential for them to gain a foothold in Libya and get this, with our help; oh the irony of it all.  Somebody needs to explain to me  exactly why we are dealing with the Madman and his Civil War.

Next, Mitt Romney's thorn under his saddle Michele Bachmann.  The Tea Party's golden child and seemingly and possibly actually more right than Romney, which isn't exactly hard to do; didn't Romney say he believed in Global Warming? Okay, she's getting the hype in the polls and she is Conservative but I said it before and I'll say it again; so this is what a beauty contestant does after she looses or gets too old.  As a member of the Tea Party and self-proclaimed political junky, I just don't find ANYTHING Presidential about her.  Of course I'm the one who said O'Bama didn't have a chance against Hillary.

Then there's Pawlenty, I know who? You remember the guy who wouldn't take Romney to task during the New Hampshire Republican Debate.  Yes he's incredibly qualified to be President and he does has the look of a President...confident, regal and yet there's something about him that just doesn't sit well.  He  trails in the polls and no amount of morning news shows can seem to help him with that; I caught him on the Today Show and I'm still unimpressed. 

Lastly I have a few brief thoughts to throw out to all of you and see what actually sticks in your minds.  Why doesn't Herman Cain get more media time...he's not a politician and that's suppose to be a good thing.  He actually ran a successful business and now he's trying to run the country; why not?
What is Trump doing right now? Is he just sitting back and yawning like the rest of us waiting like a viper ready to attack at just the right moment?
When will we find out if the former Hottie from Alaska is going to get into the race? Oh for those of you who aren't as shallow as myself, I'm talking about Sarah Palin.
And what exactly did the release of the oil from the Strategic Reserves do for expected, NOTHING.


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