Friday, April 29, 2011

Rising Gas Prices & Florida

I sent this idea to one of the Legislators in Tallahassee though it may have fallen on deph ears so I'm putting it out here for all to see.  How do we combat high gas prices and still remain the vacation capital of the world?

1.  Repeal the State gasoline taxes and promote that nation / world wide thus bringing more tourism back  to thestate which keeps us from having a State Income Tax.   Oh and lets make it for say only 8 weeks; the last 2 weeks of June until mid August and promote it heavily.

2.  Demand drilling permits from the DOE for close shore drilling which will do 3 things.
     a.  Futures markets drop at the prospect of new drilling and the price drops.
     b.  Closer shore drilling is less of an enviormental hazard because shallow water is easier for repairs.
     c.  OPEC gets scared and produces more thus also lowering prices. 

Just to make you think.


Kate n William

Okay I must admit to watching at least some of the ceremony and a bit of the before and after actually not by choice that was the major news story of the day.  Did I care, sort of and since this is a political site I'll explain why it did hit a cord with me.

First I was anxious to see if Kate was going to look as if there was a gun to her head like Diana did on her wedding day.  Kate looked excited, in a very British way, seemingly having a dashing good time.  William was scared and excited, all at the same time, as a guy I recognized it on his face. 

Now here's my take on this whole thing...we're one step closer to William becoming the next King of England.  Oh I know someone reading this is saying but what about his father Prince Charles? Yeah, right, the Billy Carter of Buckingham Palace.  Chuck has never been the golden child of his Mum's and was much more a problem especially when he started dating Camilla while both she and Chuck were still married.  Now, according to British Law or should I say custom the Monarch can choose who is crowned unless sudden death of a Monarch happens and then the heir apparent would be, in this case Charles.  However, in this specific situation Queen Elizabeth is in pretty good health for 85 and so she, at any moment, could abdicate to anyone she desires. 

So lets see, Charles is a headache for his mother and she loves her grandchildren much like she loved their mother Diana.  Somewhere deep in her heart I know she loves her son but she also loved her daughter-in-law and hated what he did to her so why not, and her it comes, bypass Chuck and turn the crown over to her grandson and his wife?  I don't believe William would turn it down though out of respect for his father he probably would argue just a bit with Grandma.  So there it is, the handwriting is on the wall, Prince William is now married to a wonderfully proper British young lady and my guess would be within the next 3-5 years, sooner if her health declines, William will be crowned King.

Here's a piece of trivia for you...Windsor is NOT the original family name, what is it?  Saxe-Coburg but was changed to inspire Nationalism and separate George V's family from that of the German Kizer during WWI.  Oh and why didn't Queen Elizabeth's children take their father's family name? For that matter why didn't the Queen take her husband's name? It's simple, this was the easy way to keep the family dynasty intact.


Positive Feedback

I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for the kind words, oh and the disbelief, in me actually creating a Blog.  Google's step by step walk through makes it easy, however, the content is mine, obviously. 

Though some of you have disagreed on the topics I've written so far and I'm sure there are more to come with what I'll be posting next; I do appreciate the encouragement.   As I said in "Up and Running" this isn't for everyone but hopefully I can make you question and think before you vote.  I guess you could say I'm an Educator; imagine that?

If you're here for the first time "Welcome" now sit back, read, learn and discuss politics with me, it's all up to you.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jax Mayoral Race

Okay here we go, so hang on to something.
First off, to cut to the meat and bypass the fat (reasons) why...I support Alvin Brown.
Yes I know he's a Democrat so what? If you don't want to read any more fine but now for the fat.

I've watched the Debates and I've read everything I can find on both of them and I can't seem to get passed the fact that Mike Hogan looks like some old guy who just wants to keep his job while Alvin actually has a vision for the future but willing to wait and fix things until we can afford to get there.  Mike just doesn't seem to put forth any vision past today.

Next, yes I know Alvin wants to make cuts including to his salary (which Hogan won't say he'll do) and yet speaks about creating government panels; will they be paid positions?

Alvin is young, polished and though he spouts Moran's name (didn't she come in 3rd?) and that of former Sherrif Nat Glover he still seems to be fiscally conservative whereas Mike lacks enthusiasm for anything other than reaching for his Ensure.  Listen, I'm old but even my 87 year old father has more energy than "old Mike Hogan".

Somebody give me a legit reason to "like Mike" as I can't seem to find one.
Alvin may be a Dem but, and maybe I'm absolutley wrong, I don't think the moniker of "Liberal" goes with it.  He "seems" to be a Reagan Democrat, God I hope so.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Okay, Donald Trump IS most likely going to run for President, get use to the idea.  Didn't the press laugh when an Actor decided to run? It seems he was a joke until he won and took Tip O'Neil to the mat on many issues.
Listen here's the bottom line...he's bringing back Nationalism, Patriotism and a sense of Right and Wrong to the minds of us Producers.  Those who don't pay taxes or keep putting their hand out won't vote for him, that's fine they normally don't vote anyway.

He is a success story and NOT as a Politician and that's refreshing.  He's NOT Ross Periot; Trump has a personality and a pulse.  Does he change his mind? Yes, but even Reagan was a Democrat at one point in his life.  NOBODY one either side is taking the President to task, are they afraid? He's able to see what's wrong and NOT CARE who he's irritating, I also like that in a Candidate.  He's arrogant, egotistical and has a colorful past...and who doesn't? Could JFK get elected today? Why do you think Ted never ran, was he afraid of the potential assassin or of the press from a certain woman who ended up in a river coming back to haunt him?

So does he run? God I hope so! Now who does he run with?
Several choices come to mind.
1.  Romney:  A political insider and overall a good choice.
2.  Huckabee:  A bit too religious for the Independents to bite on.
3.  Palin:  I really don't think she will, though she'd be a good fit for several reasons.
4.  Someone Else? Any thoughts out there?

Up and Running

This was the request of many who I discuss politics with on a regular or semi-regular basis and those who may not know me at all.  I am an old guy who's looking to get the word out about both Candidates and Issues in everything from Local to National arenas. 

I am a Conservative, Tea Party, Reagan Republican who believes in Nationalism and tired of apologizing for being the Lone Capitalistic Super Power.  At the same time,I am a long-time Union Member and a local Rep for my school; there's a quandry for you.  I vote for the Best Candidate not the Party they belong to.  I'm not a single issue guy but rather I look at the big picture before I support someone.  I have definite likes and dislikes about our Country and the people we elect to represent us.  I listen to Hannity, Bortz and Limbaugh though I  most often agree with Bortz; scary isn't it?

Don't come here looking for someone to hold your hand and sing with you as we drink fruit juice.  I pose hard questions that the media won't or can't for fear of retaliation by an Elected Official...did they forget we put them there?  Argue with me, please, I'll  listen and maybe, just maybe I'll agree with you. 

This site is for Patriots not sheep.  For activists who actually VOTE and not for those who just complain when their check isn't in the mail.  It's up to you to make me think and it's my job to make you want to think, otherwise you could go to one of a thousand other Blogs.

Next step...what's coming up? TRUMP?