Friday, April 29, 2011

Rising Gas Prices & Florida

I sent this idea to one of the Legislators in Tallahassee though it may have fallen on deph ears so I'm putting it out here for all to see.  How do we combat high gas prices and still remain the vacation capital of the world?

1.  Repeal the State gasoline taxes and promote that nation / world wide thus bringing more tourism back  to thestate which keeps us from having a State Income Tax.   Oh and lets make it for say only 8 weeks; the last 2 weeks of June until mid August and promote it heavily.

2.  Demand drilling permits from the DOE for close shore drilling which will do 3 things.
     a.  Futures markets drop at the prospect of new drilling and the price drops.
     b.  Closer shore drilling is less of an enviormental hazard because shallow water is easier for repairs.
     c.  OPEC gets scared and produces more thus also lowering prices. 

Just to make you think.


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