Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jax Mayoral Race

Okay here we go, so hang on to something.
First off, to cut to the meat and bypass the fat (reasons) why...I support Alvin Brown.
Yes I know he's a Democrat so what? If you don't want to read any more fine but now for the fat.

I've watched the Debates and I've read everything I can find on both of them and I can't seem to get passed the fact that Mike Hogan looks like some old guy who just wants to keep his job while Alvin actually has a vision for the future but willing to wait and fix things until we can afford to get there.  Mike just doesn't seem to put forth any vision past today.

Next, yes I know Alvin wants to make cuts including to his salary (which Hogan won't say he'll do) and yet speaks about creating government panels; will they be paid positions?

Alvin is young, polished and though he spouts Moran's name (didn't she come in 3rd?) and that of former Sherrif Nat Glover he still seems to be fiscally conservative whereas Mike lacks enthusiasm for anything other than reaching for his Ensure.  Listen, I'm old but even my 87 year old father has more energy than "old Mike Hogan".

Somebody give me a legit reason to "like Mike" as I can't seem to find one.
Alvin may be a Dem but, and maybe I'm absolutley wrong, I don't think the moniker of "Liberal" goes with it.  He "seems" to be a Reagan Democrat, God I hope so.


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