Friday, April 29, 2011

Kate n William

Okay I must admit to watching at least some of the ceremony and a bit of the before and after actually not by choice that was the major news story of the day.  Did I care, sort of and since this is a political site I'll explain why it did hit a cord with me.

First I was anxious to see if Kate was going to look as if there was a gun to her head like Diana did on her wedding day.  Kate looked excited, in a very British way, seemingly having a dashing good time.  William was scared and excited, all at the same time, as a guy I recognized it on his face. 

Now here's my take on this whole thing...we're one step closer to William becoming the next King of England.  Oh I know someone reading this is saying but what about his father Prince Charles? Yeah, right, the Billy Carter of Buckingham Palace.  Chuck has never been the golden child of his Mum's and was much more a problem especially when he started dating Camilla while both she and Chuck were still married.  Now, according to British Law or should I say custom the Monarch can choose who is crowned unless sudden death of a Monarch happens and then the heir apparent would be, in this case Charles.  However, in this specific situation Queen Elizabeth is in pretty good health for 85 and so she, at any moment, could abdicate to anyone she desires. 

So lets see, Charles is a headache for his mother and she loves her grandchildren much like she loved their mother Diana.  Somewhere deep in her heart I know she loves her son but she also loved her daughter-in-law and hated what he did to her so why not, and her it comes, bypass Chuck and turn the crown over to her grandson and his wife?  I don't believe William would turn it down though out of respect for his father he probably would argue just a bit with Grandma.  So there it is, the handwriting is on the wall, Prince William is now married to a wonderfully proper British young lady and my guess would be within the next 3-5 years, sooner if her health declines, William will be crowned King.

Here's a piece of trivia for you...Windsor is NOT the original family name, what is it?  Saxe-Coburg but was changed to inspire Nationalism and separate George V's family from that of the German Kizer during WWI.  Oh and why didn't Queen Elizabeth's children take their father's family name? For that matter why didn't the Queen take her husband's name? It's simple, this was the easy way to keep the family dynasty intact.


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