Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Up and Running

This was the request of many who I discuss politics with on a regular or semi-regular basis and those who may not know me at all.  I am an old guy who's looking to get the word out about both Candidates and Issues in everything from Local to National arenas. 

I am a Conservative, Tea Party, Reagan Republican who believes in Nationalism and tired of apologizing for being the Lone Capitalistic Super Power.  At the same time,I am a long-time Union Member and a local Rep for my school; there's a quandry for you.  I vote for the Best Candidate not the Party they belong to.  I'm not a single issue guy but rather I look at the big picture before I support someone.  I have definite likes and dislikes about our Country and the people we elect to represent us.  I listen to Hannity, Bortz and Limbaugh though I  most often agree with Bortz; scary isn't it?

Don't come here looking for someone to hold your hand and sing with you as we drink fruit juice.  I pose hard questions that the media won't or can't for fear of retaliation by an Elected Official...did they forget we put them there?  Argue with me, please, I'll  listen and maybe, just maybe I'll agree with you. 

This site is for Patriots not sheep.  For activists who actually VOTE and not for those who just complain when their check isn't in the mail.  It's up to you to make me think and it's my job to make you want to think, otherwise you could go to one of a thousand other Blogs.

Next step...what's coming up? TRUMP?

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