Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Okay, Donald Trump IS most likely going to run for President, get use to the idea.  Didn't the press laugh when an Actor decided to run? It seems he was a joke until he won and took Tip O'Neil to the mat on many issues.
Listen here's the bottom line...he's bringing back Nationalism, Patriotism and a sense of Right and Wrong to the minds of us Producers.  Those who don't pay taxes or keep putting their hand out won't vote for him, that's fine they normally don't vote anyway.

He is a success story and NOT as a Politician and that's refreshing.  He's NOT Ross Periot; Trump has a personality and a pulse.  Does he change his mind? Yes, but even Reagan was a Democrat at one point in his life.  NOBODY one either side is taking the President to task, are they afraid? He's able to see what's wrong and NOT CARE who he's irritating, I also like that in a Candidate.  He's arrogant, egotistical and has a colorful past...and who doesn't? Could JFK get elected today? Why do you think Ted never ran, was he afraid of the potential assassin or of the press from a certain woman who ended up in a river coming back to haunt him?

So does he run? God I hope so! Now who does he run with?
Several choices come to mind.
1.  Romney:  A political insider and overall a good choice.
2.  Huckabee:  A bit too religious for the Independents to bite on.
3.  Palin:  I really don't think she will, though she'd be a good fit for several reasons.
4.  Someone Else? Any thoughts out there?

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