Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden

He's DEAD! Yep, he's Tango Uniform (toes up) or in his case he's being recycled in accordance with Earth Day.  Like that did you?

I listened to the President and for the first time in 2 plus years he not only sounded like a class act but he actually presented a  Presidential air about himself.  For a few brief moments I was actually proud of him being my President.  He had the testosterone flowing and made the call to take OBL out which the Navy Seal did as requested.  BRAVO to you and your fellow warriors, impressive.  He ran but he couldn't hide forever and finally he's now doing something useful, feeding the fish.

The true question is what's next? Will someone take his place? Yes! Who? Now there's the rub, nobody knows because everything I know and everything I hear from my sources says there will be a power struggle between several factions.  My guess is the seat of power has now moved to Yemen since Gaddafi isn't an option for a home base.  Now to  throw something else into the mix what does this mean for Iran? They've been using OBL as the big terrorist everyone was looking for but now they may be under closer scrutiny and they're well aware of it, so look for them to keep a low profile for a few months while the crazies that belonged to OBL fight it out and plan on their retribution toward the U.S.  My guess is that things will happen quickly as I'm sure one of his Captains will pull something to show his power and his rightful position as the terrorist head.  I still think if we would've kept him at Gitmo and then pick off his followers as they tried to land in Cuba in an attempt to rescue their leader, but this works as well.

So for a few days or weeks, enjoy the moments, trust me when I say it won't last.
Oh and will all of the jokes floating about I have to wonder, did God specify what creature the 21 virgins would be, use your imagination but they may not be human females.  I guess he's found out by now.


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