Monday, June 27, 2011

Who Cares?

This could be entitled Rants and Raves but that title has be long overdone so I ask again; "Who Cares?"

First off Libya and I ask "Who Cares?" and why exactly are we there? Several years ago we showed Madman Khadafi that we could get at him when we took out his son and other members of his family so he's kept a low profile.  There was no love for the Taliband in Libya but now there's potential for them to gain a foothold in Libya and get this, with our help; oh the irony of it all.  Somebody needs to explain to me  exactly why we are dealing with the Madman and his Civil War.

Next, Mitt Romney's thorn under his saddle Michele Bachmann.  The Tea Party's golden child and seemingly and possibly actually more right than Romney, which isn't exactly hard to do; didn't Romney say he believed in Global Warming? Okay, she's getting the hype in the polls and she is Conservative but I said it before and I'll say it again; so this is what a beauty contestant does after she looses or gets too old.  As a member of the Tea Party and self-proclaimed political junky, I just don't find ANYTHING Presidential about her.  Of course I'm the one who said O'Bama didn't have a chance against Hillary.

Then there's Pawlenty, I know who? You remember the guy who wouldn't take Romney to task during the New Hampshire Republican Debate.  Yes he's incredibly qualified to be President and he does has the look of a President...confident, regal and yet there's something about him that just doesn't sit well.  He  trails in the polls and no amount of morning news shows can seem to help him with that; I caught him on the Today Show and I'm still unimpressed. 

Lastly I have a few brief thoughts to throw out to all of you and see what actually sticks in your minds.  Why doesn't Herman Cain get more media time...he's not a politician and that's suppose to be a good thing.  He actually ran a successful business and now he's trying to run the country; why not?
What is Trump doing right now? Is he just sitting back and yawning like the rest of us waiting like a viper ready to attack at just the right moment?
When will we find out if the former Hottie from Alaska is going to get into the race? Oh for those of you who aren't as shallow as myself, I'm talking about Sarah Palin.
And what exactly did the release of the oil from the Strategic Reserves do for expected, NOTHING.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Guns and the ATF

Andrew Traver who is being touted by Newsmax as President O'Bama's choice to head up the ATF is being blocked, thankfully, by the NRA.  He is the current head of the Chicago office of the ATF is by all accounts ANTI-GUN.  According to the Newsmax report he was involved with the "pro-gun control International Chiefs of Police" and is a "favorite of the gun-control lobby".  Just what we need another Czar, only this one who is in a real position of power, who has Socialism as his mandate.

For those of you who think guns need to be ripped from honest, law-abiding citizens think about this one.  If I'm a criminal, yes I know some of you think I am anyway, and I want your money or your life there are other ways than a gun to get it from you.  I have to wonder how many people are currently acosted by claw hammers or knives or whatever is handy.  Some time ago there was a report that a man killed his entire family by taking a hammer to each of their heads while they slept.  Yet we don't ask people to register their hammers or lock them up.  Get this and yes I know you've heard it before; Guns Don't Kill People, People Do! If EVERY gun manufacturer goes out of business criminals will find something else to use but maybe more brutal.  Owning a gun comes with responsibility, just like a car...oh yeah cars kill people also, and using it to kill is a choice.  But that means we have to hold the individual responsible for their action which we don't do anymore.

Am I member of the NRA? NO! But I do support many of the ideas they put forward, their right and when they are wrong I let them know.  They are the only group out there trying to keep your Right to Bare Arms a reality going against our current President and his minions.  Where's Charlton Heston when we need him.



I recently commented on Politico about the useage of coal in this country as an alternative to other energy sources.  In Politico they talked about Jay Rockefeller (D) WV wanting more money invested in coal production and looking at "Clean Coal" and that is great, we should invest, in my never to be bias opinion.  The US has roughly 27% of the World Coal Reserves according the CIA-Factbook and the USGS.  Now that's not to say many other countries don't have coal, many do, in fact coal makes up 29% of Australian exports and Russia has reserves of it and many other resources but getting at it in eastern Siberia is another story.  We have a similar problem with getting at one of the 2 basic types of coal, Anthracite.  Anthracite (hard coal) is harder than it's cousin Bitumious (soft coal) and is usually mined by tunneling whereas Bituminous which is often strip-mined.  Anthracite is close to being considered "Clean Coal" (though there isn't really any such thing as clean coal) since it burns hotter and little is wasted compared to Bituminous.  The trouble with Anthracite is that it is so very hard so when miners are creating the "Gangway" or main tunnel, they often encounter gas or worse, water.  The mountains of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and New York are loaded with gas and underground rivers.  When I was a teenager there was a major mine accident when a mine was flooded and only one miner survived by crawling up an air shaft. 

As a child whose father spent 36 years of his life underground mining Anthracite in Central Pennsylvania I know a little bit about the topic.  I know what it is to live with family members with "Black Lung" (coal dust that enters the lung tissue) and grow up playing in the coal dirt.  I lived in the county where the Molly Miguires took on the mine bosses and were subsequently hung for their desire to create a better life through a Union.  My father swore he'd never follow his father into the mines but when his brothers were off fighting in WWII and my Grandfather took ill he had no other choice.  He did however make it so that none of us, his sons, would ever have to do the same. 

President O'Bama has seen to it to make "Coal" a "Dirty Word", pun intended.  Yet coal is one of our nation's biggest assets.  Wyoming is the largest producer of coal in the US and some of the World's largest coal mining facilities are in the western states of the U.S., according to the ETA (Energy Information Administration).  Japan is the World's largest improter of Coal and 2nd only to the US in oil imports as they have no natural resources to power their economy.  How many jobs, that we so urgently need right now, is the President going to eliminate? And what will that do to our Trade Deficit? Oh, it's dirty and it's not a "Green" energy source.  I'm sorry wasn't the idea behind the creation of the DOE (Department of Energy) to make us Energy Independent? I guess somebody should inform President O'Bama.

Senator Rockefeller, thank you for standing up for your constituents and helping to make us Energy Independant with the help of COAL!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Boeing vs Labor Unions

Now listen I'm a Union Rep but I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS!!! Actually yes I do and this is so wrong on so many levels for the Unions.  You don't make points with non-union politicians or potential members by denying people jobs in South Carolina.  Doesn't anyone realize this will only make things worse for unions across the nation? Jobs are jobs and if the unions want to make a statement change the laws in South Carolina making it better for unions to exist. Taking a company to court over establishing a facility in a "Right to Work State" is only going to HURT EVERY OTHER UNION!!!

In the current economy we have a business that is tired of fighting the unions that are currently at their location and so they're going to open a facility in a state that DOES have unions but with limited power.  How short sighted are these knuckleheads in Washington State? And they don't think this won't feed into what is happening in Wisconsin? Are they that that power-hungry? Hey, this isn't the 1950's and it's certainly NOT Detroit back in the 60's and 70's; we live in a different time and that's why we have Auto companies like Hyundai building plants in Alabama.  Jobs are scarce and yet the Machinist Union, amongst others, says Boeing can't put people to work in South Carolina; brilliant, good move.  Who's idea was this someone sitting in a limo on his way to the Ritz-Carlton for a Union Brunch on the dues of the members?

I may be a Union Rep but I'm not stupid, you have to promote a positive picture for people to follow.  Let Boeing build the plant and then quietly give the sales pitch to the employees on the benefits of joining the union you're pushing.  At first there's little to no power, fine, but after some political wrangling suddenly South Carolina has gone from NO POWER for UNIONS to LIMITED to whatever the public will allow.

In the end BAD public opinion will do more damage than the Courts and unless the Union changes it's sales technique their demise is on the horizon.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Hampshire Republican Debate

CNN hosted the New Hampshire Republican Debate with only one flaw, the 30 second format.  The moderator John King was excellent in his role; I can't believe I'm saying something good about CNN.  This was more along the line of something Fox News should've done, whereas I could see a Democratic Debate on CNN.  Anyway I not only watched it and "Anderson Cooper 360" right after but I also DVR'd it for review.  What I present is a run-down of each of the Candidates and what I took from their appearance.  Just in case you don't want to read on, I must agree with the masses that Romney WON and actually looked Presidential with Bachmann a distant second but I'll expound on each below.  Though King gave Pawlenty every opportunity to throw Romney under the bus he didn't bite and the group went after O'Bama and his policies rather than each other which I liked.

Santorum:  He was informed (as they all were) but very charismatic and young. I found him looking like a teenager trying to talk about adult topics.

Paul: Though he wanted to talk about his topics he showed his knowledge of the Constitution. The biggest problem with Mr. Paul was his age; he looked like he was a walking corpse.

Gingrich:  Wow, he needed to step up and stand out and he did.  If I was going to pick a 3rd place winner it was him.  He stuck his neck out on Immigration and Muslims and that takes...ah. I didn't see a down side to him except he could've been more passionate.

Pawlenty:  I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch him or wash my hair; I'm folically challenged. He wasn't excited or exciting to watch or the least bit Presidential. Boring is an understatement, how did he get elected Gov...were the voters that desperate?

Cain:  Everyone else could've taken a page from him on issues except for hiring a Muslim.  I would've like to hear more from him as he did push the fact that he's NOT a politician.  NewsMax called him "the GOP's version of Harry Truman." and I must agree.

Bachmann: So this is what a former Beauty Pagent contestant does years later, sarcasm.  How many times did she say she has 23 Foster Kids? Why do we care?  So she announced she was running for President during the debate, well it's about time.  She did educate us about her and her resume' wonderful.  She showed she was informed and passionate but she's NOT Presidential; VP, YES!  Watching her the next morning on one of the morning shows didn't help her and though she's now out of Palin's shadow she doesn't have the self confidence like Palin does.

Romney:   I'm not a big Romney supporter though I liked him better than McCain and last night he   looked Presidential last night.  Informed, Charismatic, Broad-shouldered and seasoned.  He was the ONLY one who and I haven't heard ANY media hack commenting on it..."I can't wait to debate him." referring to a debate with President O'Bama.

So there you have it, each did well but some did better.  I'm still not wild about the group as a whole but some were better than others.  There are 2 potential Presidents standing on the stage...Romney and Cain with Pawlenty the long shot.  One has NO SHOT...Paul.  Cain, Santorum, Backmann and Gingrich would all make good VP's on a ticket but that depends on demographics.  A nominee normally picks someone from a different region of the country to help unify or bring in a state that they may need so don't discount Rubio being on the short list.

After last night here's some combinations that may work, notice Backmann and Santorum are NOT listed as the Nominee...I just don't see it happening and I don't see women's group coming out to support Backmann which is a shame.

        Romney / Backmann             Cain / Santorum                
        Romney / Cain                       Cain / Bachmann
        Romney / Rubio                     Cain / Gingrich

Just my opinion...go ahead and quote me on it.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Herman Cain: Can He Deliver?

Okay it was a pun...the lowest form of humor but if there is someone out there who doesn't know, Mr. Cain was once the CEO of Godfather's Pizza.  He made an appearance on Bill O'Reilly's show last night and he did look polished and informed with the one exception when Bill asked him  about Iran's nuclear program and the "bomb".  Mr. Cain decided to talk about putting pressure on us buying oil from them as the way to crush them having the finances to pay for it.  Ah, Mr. Cain, when you don't know something say so and don't try to blow smoke up our ass, there are enough politicians who already do that and we get bloated.  We account for less than 1% of our oil from Iran but England,  Germany  and other European countries get a whole lot more.  If you don't want to talk about the topic say so but that was just ignorant and beneath you.

Here we have a REAL Businessman who understands budgets, payroll and I think he would have a realistic grip on our declining economy.  The Media couldn't use the Race Card since Mr. Cain is  Black and he's well liked in Conservative circles so he has a real shot.  He has recognition not only as a CEO but also with his radio show and more so as a fill-in for Neil  Bortz on his show.  Neil is a definite asset as are  all his corporate friends but more than that, he appeals to a broad group of  voters who are tired of the standard "I want to be President" politicians.  He told O'Reilly that he would "lower taxes" not unlike what JFK and RR did when they took  office and he's right in the respect that the government will have more money than they do now with all the taxes they levy.  Had O'Bama done this, learning from the past, we'd be much better off and he'd be looking at another 4 years.  Something else he would do is cut the Capital Gains Tax to zero, though O'Reilly argued this with him Mr. Cain is correct that there would be billions of dollars, if I remember correctly, that is invested overseas coming back  to us and reinvested here, thus government would be raking  in more tax money from  more people  being employed by business that are making money.  He understands Reagan's idea of "Trickle-Down Economics"; remember poor people DON'T MAKE JOBS!

One more note, who would he pick as a running mate? Rubio? Probably not since Cain is a southern guy and it would be preferable to pull in a name from either the Northeast or the West.  Giuliani, wouldn't run in the second seat and though Michele Bachmann would be a good choice I  think the best fit would be Rick Santorum from Pennsylvania.  This brings in the business faction from the NE, he's white (if that matters) but more than that he's young  and attractive...women voters can be as shallow  as men and he's  loaded with charisma that Mr. Cain is in desperate need of for the ticket.  Oh and that mob, the Tea Party would get behind him since he's a big Fair Tax Plan kind of guy, wonderful.  I know I'll now probably be audited by the IRS for  saying that, oh well.

Just a last note: Mr. Cain find someone  who can bring you up to  speed on Iran  and International Affairs.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Weiner Blows It

So I took a shot but who hasn't at this guy by now? I know a former Gov who can thank Congressman Weiner for taking him off the front page of EVERY news report.  I have a thought; Congressman, DO NOT RESIGN!!! The comedians, talk show hots and anyone looking for a joke NEEDS YOU!

Was this stupid? YES!!! Did it help  deflect attention from the President trying to put a positive spin on negative employment numbers? YES!!! Though I have to wonder would  a certain woman be alive if Ted Kennedy sent her a text rather than giving her a ride? Come on, he's sexting to an attractive woman when he's well, homely looking; Congressman, she's not that desperate! Call me shallow, oh wait, I'm a guy, so I guess I am but this guy must have had his parents tie an expensive steak around his neck to have the dog play with him.  It must be his power, he's not that popular; wait he's friends with the Clintons, maybe that counts for something.

We have to pity his wife some say.  No we don't, she's as unattractive as he is, they belong together and  please don't swap DNA, ugh, too late but maybe it's not his.  I must admit I finally liked something Harry Reed said...when asked what advice he'd give the Congressman if he called; "I'd tell him to call someone else." You go Harry.

So what should the Congressman do in my never to humble opinion? Take one for your President and stay in the spotlight.  So long as you're getting the attention his dismal policies aren't making news.  You gotta love the Social Media.


Palin for President?

Why is Sarah Palin traveling the country in a bus? Is she just looking at the sights that make our nation great? Sure, she's showing the kids this incredible nation but wouldn't an RV be more appropriate? Her bus isn't standard fare but more  like something from a reality TV show, for God's sake it's advertizing her travels, not like the Media isn't doing that as well.  As I said in an earlier post, she's polarizing most voters either lover or hate her with very little  in between.  So here she is stopping at patriotic sights like Gettysburg with an army of press behind her.  For a woman who says she's not running for the Presidency she making all the right moves to do just the opposite.

Can she raise a ton of money? Yes.  Can she excite the base of the Conservative/Republican Party? Oh without a doubt.  Can she make the news EVERY NIGHT!!! Do you really want me to answer that one? The Media is glued to every moment of her life but not in a positive way...not since Dan Quayle has the Media looked to see a politician screw up.  Why she even gets more press than Congressman Weiner's ah, texting pictures.  The other candidates that are currently in the race fear the fact that she may decide to enter the run for the Presidency while one who isn't in the race, Trump, sits back and I'm sure is chuckling to himself.

Recently a caller to Sean Hannity's show said the reason so many women, specifically, don't like her is that she's a 10.  The caller went on to explain that here you have a hot looking woman who is a political power broker with kids a wonderful, attractive husband and no real skeletons in her closet.  Guess what the caller may very well have been right.  The only remote thing that tarnishes her is her daughter's ex-husband and that's not Palin's problem, remember there have been other family problem children...Reagan  and Carter both come to mind.

So the bottom line, should she run or maybe could a better question is could she beat O'Bama? I would answer it this way, a marginal YES.  But only if she can get the larger Republican and Woman's vote which she currently just doesn't have yet.  I think with just those two factions behind her it would be a landslide.  Now do I believe she'd make a worthy President? Now that's easy...YES! She's intelligent, savvy and has guts...hell she has bigger balls than most everyone of the guys currently on the hill.  With her it would be a black and white issues and once she took a stand she's going to own it, not pass it  off.  I guess we'll have to see what happens.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Single Issue Voters

I recently spoke to a young lady who, though we talked about many topics that we agreed on she said that if a candidate, especially for President, didn't meet her criteria for a "Social Conservative" she said wouldn't feel right about voting for them. 

That made me wonder something and look at my own situation for I'm more about houw much a candidate is willing to allow me to keep in my wallet than how many marriages they have had or what they believe on issues like abortion and immigration.  What if we, the Conservatives, had a Republican candidate that inspired us on so many levels but sucked at business affairs? Could I vote for him though his may have had issues with private companies going bankrupt under his command? Could I support a canidate that thought finance should be left up to a few advisors rather than his own lack of experience? The short answer is maybe.  I know that's not what I'm supposed to say but it goes deeper than that. 

This young lady doesn't like Trump because he's filed bankruptcy, more than once, but she didn't trust someone with that kind of record in business.  Okay I'll agree that's a bad thing, unless you understand he's come back and made billions in spite of the bankruptcy and there's different levels from regoranizing to selling off personal assets.  Oh but he's been married more than once, (on a Social Conservative level) so what? He's over 21 and has grown children, why is there a problem? And for the record I'm not happy that Newt found his current wife while he was still married to his now exwife but I do like his books.  Ronald Reagan was married once before but he has been held up almost as a Saint to Conservatives everywhere. 

It's like this, give me and the rest of Americans a Candidate who stands up and says; "I'm tired of being put down because I'm an American.  If you don't like me TOUGH! We are the best at EVERYTHING...just TRY and compete." I want someone to make me feel proud when they walk off Air Force 1 and don't bow to some other world leader...they should be bowing to us and thanking us for keeping them from some oppressor or conquerer.  I want someone to make hard choices and stand by them, NOT appologize for making them and we Americans will step up and deal with it.

Whether Social or Fiscal Conservative if that one or more issues keep you from throwing out the current occupant of the White House you're no better than those people who voted him into this temp job. Take a candidate who inspires you on some level and go with it.  We Conservatives have deep-rooted principles that guide us but in the grand scheme of things we MUST advance and keep this Country and Capitalism from disappearing and we do that with our vote. When we do that Krushchev will have been right..."We need not invade, they will do it to themselves."

What we need is not a Candidate but a Patriot.  Someone who is willing to take on the hot issues and those we know will hurt not only him but all of us.  We need someone with a "take charge" attitude and yet mostly we need to stand behing this person an support them, not only with our votes but with our actions and our deeds.  I still believe that Nationalism without Capitalism is a doomed America as I know it and I would ask our Candidates to consider the following quote...can you back it up?

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty." John F. Kennedy


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Palin & Trump 3rd Party

Somebody needs to explain to me why the Republican Party can't put up a candidate that stimulates the electorate? Then here comes a pizza shared by Trump and Palin, WOW! Mr. Arrogance and Ms Demure talking about...what? Trump said on today's Sean Hannity's show it wasn't about either of them running, okay but with the Media frenzy that covered it, you couldn't have planned it better.  Someone on the Today Show made the comment that other candidates couldn't have spent enough money for that kind of press coverage. 

Why did the Media cover this? Simply put both are power brokers and they both polarize voters, good and bad.  Many see him as a winner, risk taker and NOT a politician while those same look as her as the most fomidable woman since Margaret Thatcher.  On the other hand he's looked as an egomaniac and she as a wanna-be power broker while only being a mother and wife.  I know "she should know her place" some are saying.  Where are the women's groups that should be pushing her to run and how about the pro-business groups pushing him? Do they want another 4 years of what we currently are dealing with in Washington? I know everyone is afraid that the Media will crucify It's going to happen anyway so tell them to "take their best shot" and step up.  The late-night comedians would have a blast with them and what? Publicity, good or bad is still Publicity .

Could they create a 3rd Party? The simple answer is YES! Now that being said it leads only to hurt the GOP.  Hannity pointed out that Reagan said that we should "revitalize" the current party rather than creating a 3rd party and again he was right.  Hard-liners will stay with the nominated candidate while the reformers will jump to the new pairing which will lead to an O'Bama win...which is what the Media and the left would love to see. 

Here's a thought; if the Republicans don't put up a strong candidate as they did the last time with McCain we'll get O'Bama for another 4 years anyway.  Romney is as close as there is right now in electability but even he doesn't have the charisma O'Bama has and he knows how to use it.  Trump obviously isn't thrilled about the current group as was apperent from his comments on this morning's Fox & Friends and Hannity's show; guess what HE'S RIGHT!!!

Who is out there who could energize the GOP? It can only get worse from here.
