Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Guns and the ATF

Andrew Traver who is being touted by Newsmax as President O'Bama's choice to head up the ATF is being blocked, thankfully, by the NRA.  He is the current head of the Chicago office of the ATF is by all accounts ANTI-GUN.  According to the Newsmax report he was involved with the "pro-gun control International Chiefs of Police" and is a "favorite of the gun-control lobby".  Just what we need another Czar, only this one who is in a real position of power, who has Socialism as his mandate.

For those of you who think guns need to be ripped from honest, law-abiding citizens think about this one.  If I'm a criminal, yes I know some of you think I am anyway, and I want your money or your life there are other ways than a gun to get it from you.  I have to wonder how many people are currently acosted by claw hammers or knives or whatever is handy.  Some time ago there was a report that a man killed his entire family by taking a hammer to each of their heads while they slept.  Yet we don't ask people to register their hammers or lock them up.  Get this and yes I know you've heard it before; Guns Don't Kill People, People Do! If EVERY gun manufacturer goes out of business criminals will find something else to use but maybe more brutal.  Owning a gun comes with responsibility, just like a car...oh yeah cars kill people also, and using it to kill is a choice.  But that means we have to hold the individual responsible for their action which we don't do anymore.

Am I member of the NRA? NO! But I do support many of the ideas they put forward, their right and when they are wrong I let them know.  They are the only group out there trying to keep your Right to Bare Arms a reality going against our current President and his minions.  Where's Charlton Heston when we need him.


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