Thursday, June 9, 2011

Weiner Blows It

So I took a shot but who hasn't at this guy by now? I know a former Gov who can thank Congressman Weiner for taking him off the front page of EVERY news report.  I have a thought; Congressman, DO NOT RESIGN!!! The comedians, talk show hots and anyone looking for a joke NEEDS YOU!

Was this stupid? YES!!! Did it help  deflect attention from the President trying to put a positive spin on negative employment numbers? YES!!! Though I have to wonder would  a certain woman be alive if Ted Kennedy sent her a text rather than giving her a ride? Come on, he's sexting to an attractive woman when he's well, homely looking; Congressman, she's not that desperate! Call me shallow, oh wait, I'm a guy, so I guess I am but this guy must have had his parents tie an expensive steak around his neck to have the dog play with him.  It must be his power, he's not that popular; wait he's friends with the Clintons, maybe that counts for something.

We have to pity his wife some say.  No we don't, she's as unattractive as he is, they belong together and  please don't swap DNA, ugh, too late but maybe it's not his.  I must admit I finally liked something Harry Reed said...when asked what advice he'd give the Congressman if he called; "I'd tell him to call someone else." You go Harry.

So what should the Congressman do in my never to humble opinion? Take one for your President and stay in the spotlight.  So long as you're getting the attention his dismal policies aren't making news.  You gotta love the Social Media.


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