Friday, June 10, 2011

Herman Cain: Can He Deliver?

Okay it was a pun...the lowest form of humor but if there is someone out there who doesn't know, Mr. Cain was once the CEO of Godfather's Pizza.  He made an appearance on Bill O'Reilly's show last night and he did look polished and informed with the one exception when Bill asked him  about Iran's nuclear program and the "bomb".  Mr. Cain decided to talk about putting pressure on us buying oil from them as the way to crush them having the finances to pay for it.  Ah, Mr. Cain, when you don't know something say so and don't try to blow smoke up our ass, there are enough politicians who already do that and we get bloated.  We account for less than 1% of our oil from Iran but England,  Germany  and other European countries get a whole lot more.  If you don't want to talk about the topic say so but that was just ignorant and beneath you.

Here we have a REAL Businessman who understands budgets, payroll and I think he would have a realistic grip on our declining economy.  The Media couldn't use the Race Card since Mr. Cain is  Black and he's well liked in Conservative circles so he has a real shot.  He has recognition not only as a CEO but also with his radio show and more so as a fill-in for Neil  Bortz on his show.  Neil is a definite asset as are  all his corporate friends but more than that, he appeals to a broad group of  voters who are tired of the standard "I want to be President" politicians.  He told O'Reilly that he would "lower taxes" not unlike what JFK and RR did when they took  office and he's right in the respect that the government will have more money than they do now with all the taxes they levy.  Had O'Bama done this, learning from the past, we'd be much better off and he'd be looking at another 4 years.  Something else he would do is cut the Capital Gains Tax to zero, though O'Reilly argued this with him Mr. Cain is correct that there would be billions of dollars, if I remember correctly, that is invested overseas coming back  to us and reinvested here, thus government would be raking  in more tax money from  more people  being employed by business that are making money.  He understands Reagan's idea of "Trickle-Down Economics"; remember poor people DON'T MAKE JOBS!

One more note, who would he pick as a running mate? Rubio? Probably not since Cain is a southern guy and it would be preferable to pull in a name from either the Northeast or the West.  Giuliani, wouldn't run in the second seat and though Michele Bachmann would be a good choice I  think the best fit would be Rick Santorum from Pennsylvania.  This brings in the business faction from the NE, he's white (if that matters) but more than that he's young  and attractive...women voters can be as shallow  as men and he's  loaded with charisma that Mr. Cain is in desperate need of for the ticket.  Oh and that mob, the Tea Party would get behind him since he's a big Fair Tax Plan kind of guy, wonderful.  I know I'll now probably be audited by the IRS for  saying that, oh well.

Just a last note: Mr. Cain find someone  who can bring you up to  speed on Iran  and International Affairs.


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