Saturday, June 4, 2011

Single Issue Voters

I recently spoke to a young lady who, though we talked about many topics that we agreed on she said that if a candidate, especially for President, didn't meet her criteria for a "Social Conservative" she said wouldn't feel right about voting for them. 

That made me wonder something and look at my own situation for I'm more about houw much a candidate is willing to allow me to keep in my wallet than how many marriages they have had or what they believe on issues like abortion and immigration.  What if we, the Conservatives, had a Republican candidate that inspired us on so many levels but sucked at business affairs? Could I vote for him though his may have had issues with private companies going bankrupt under his command? Could I support a canidate that thought finance should be left up to a few advisors rather than his own lack of experience? The short answer is maybe.  I know that's not what I'm supposed to say but it goes deeper than that. 

This young lady doesn't like Trump because he's filed bankruptcy, more than once, but she didn't trust someone with that kind of record in business.  Okay I'll agree that's a bad thing, unless you understand he's come back and made billions in spite of the bankruptcy and there's different levels from regoranizing to selling off personal assets.  Oh but he's been married more than once, (on a Social Conservative level) so what? He's over 21 and has grown children, why is there a problem? And for the record I'm not happy that Newt found his current wife while he was still married to his now exwife but I do like his books.  Ronald Reagan was married once before but he has been held up almost as a Saint to Conservatives everywhere. 

It's like this, give me and the rest of Americans a Candidate who stands up and says; "I'm tired of being put down because I'm an American.  If you don't like me TOUGH! We are the best at EVERYTHING...just TRY and compete." I want someone to make me feel proud when they walk off Air Force 1 and don't bow to some other world leader...they should be bowing to us and thanking us for keeping them from some oppressor or conquerer.  I want someone to make hard choices and stand by them, NOT appologize for making them and we Americans will step up and deal with it.

Whether Social or Fiscal Conservative if that one or more issues keep you from throwing out the current occupant of the White House you're no better than those people who voted him into this temp job. Take a candidate who inspires you on some level and go with it.  We Conservatives have deep-rooted principles that guide us but in the grand scheme of things we MUST advance and keep this Country and Capitalism from disappearing and we do that with our vote. When we do that Krushchev will have been right..."We need not invade, they will do it to themselves."

What we need is not a Candidate but a Patriot.  Someone who is willing to take on the hot issues and those we know will hurt not only him but all of us.  We need someone with a "take charge" attitude and yet mostly we need to stand behing this person an support them, not only with our votes but with our actions and our deeds.  I still believe that Nationalism without Capitalism is a doomed America as I know it and I would ask our Candidates to consider the following quote...can you back it up?

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty." John F. Kennedy


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