Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Palin & Trump 3rd Party

Somebody needs to explain to me why the Republican Party can't put up a candidate that stimulates the electorate? Then here comes a pizza shared by Trump and Palin, WOW! Mr. Arrogance and Ms Demure talking about...what? Trump said on today's Sean Hannity's show it wasn't about either of them running, okay but with the Media frenzy that covered it, you couldn't have planned it better.  Someone on the Today Show made the comment that other candidates couldn't have spent enough money for that kind of press coverage. 

Why did the Media cover this? Simply put both are power brokers and they both polarize voters, good and bad.  Many see him as a winner, risk taker and NOT a politician while those same look as her as the most fomidable woman since Margaret Thatcher.  On the other hand he's looked as an egomaniac and she as a wanna-be power broker while only being a mother and wife.  I know "she should know her place" some are saying.  Where are the women's groups that should be pushing her to run and how about the pro-business groups pushing him? Do they want another 4 years of what we currently are dealing with in Washington? I know everyone is afraid that the Media will crucify It's going to happen anyway so tell them to "take their best shot" and step up.  The late-night comedians would have a blast with them and what? Publicity, good or bad is still Publicity .

Could they create a 3rd Party? The simple answer is YES! Now that being said it leads only to hurt the GOP.  Hannity pointed out that Reagan said that we should "revitalize" the current party rather than creating a 3rd party and again he was right.  Hard-liners will stay with the nominated candidate while the reformers will jump to the new pairing which will lead to an O'Bama win...which is what the Media and the left would love to see. 

Here's a thought; if the Republicans don't put up a strong candidate as they did the last time with McCain we'll get O'Bama for another 4 years anyway.  Romney is as close as there is right now in electability but even he doesn't have the charisma O'Bama has and he knows how to use it.  Trump obviously isn't thrilled about the current group as was apperent from his comments on this morning's Fox & Friends and Hannity's show; guess what HE'S RIGHT!!!

Who is out there who could energize the GOP? It can only get worse from here.


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