Thursday, June 9, 2011

Palin for President?

Why is Sarah Palin traveling the country in a bus? Is she just looking at the sights that make our nation great? Sure, she's showing the kids this incredible nation but wouldn't an RV be more appropriate? Her bus isn't standard fare but more  like something from a reality TV show, for God's sake it's advertizing her travels, not like the Media isn't doing that as well.  As I said in an earlier post, she's polarizing most voters either lover or hate her with very little  in between.  So here she is stopping at patriotic sights like Gettysburg with an army of press behind her.  For a woman who says she's not running for the Presidency she making all the right moves to do just the opposite.

Can she raise a ton of money? Yes.  Can she excite the base of the Conservative/Republican Party? Oh without a doubt.  Can she make the news EVERY NIGHT!!! Do you really want me to answer that one? The Media is glued to every moment of her life but not in a positive way...not since Dan Quayle has the Media looked to see a politician screw up.  Why she even gets more press than Congressman Weiner's ah, texting pictures.  The other candidates that are currently in the race fear the fact that she may decide to enter the run for the Presidency while one who isn't in the race, Trump, sits back and I'm sure is chuckling to himself.

Recently a caller to Sean Hannity's show said the reason so many women, specifically, don't like her is that she's a 10.  The caller went on to explain that here you have a hot looking woman who is a political power broker with kids a wonderful, attractive husband and no real skeletons in her closet.  Guess what the caller may very well have been right.  The only remote thing that tarnishes her is her daughter's ex-husband and that's not Palin's problem, remember there have been other family problem children...Reagan  and Carter both come to mind.

So the bottom line, should she run or maybe could a better question is could she beat O'Bama? I would answer it this way, a marginal YES.  But only if she can get the larger Republican and Woman's vote which she currently just doesn't have yet.  I think with just those two factions behind her it would be a landslide.  Now do I believe she'd make a worthy President? Now that's easy...YES! She's intelligent, savvy and has guts...hell she has bigger balls than most everyone of the guys currently on the hill.  With her it would be a black and white issues and once she took a stand she's going to own it, not pass it  off.  I guess we'll have to see what happens.

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