Monday, May 30, 2011

Florida T.U. Explains Mayoral Defeat

So let's see, he didn't attend Civic Group functions; he didn't hand-hold the Lt. Gov Jennifer Carroll and he didn't do enough televised debates; so did I hit the big ones that the Florida Times Union put out on the front page of the Sunday paper. 

How about the fact that like Bill McCullum he thought he was chosen one? How about the fact that he didn't have a vison on where the city was headed? Maybe he just took Republicans and Conservatives for granted that we wouldn't vote for a young black man? Here we have a guy who didn't want to debate the issues, didn't seemingly want to do anything but take our money and say it was his turn and he expected to get our vote? Note to Mike Hogan...whatever it's like to live in your world isn't reality.  I know you've been pulling a paycheck from us the voters for 20 years and so it seems you thought we'd allow it to contine when you didn't even ask us for our vote.  Here's another note, your Grandchildren are cute but ineffective or did you get the idea from that miserable excuse for a Toyota Dealer? If you're wondering who I'm talking about that's for another day though I'm sure he's making big bucks as was Mike Hogan since he pulled in over a third more than Mayor Elect Brown too bad he didn't bother to turn that into votes.

You know, that sounds pretty nice; Mayor Elect Alvin Brown, don't you think Mike?

The Time Union compared Mr. Brown to a former candidate Mr. Glover who, though he had name recognition just couldn't get the white, conservatives and Regan Dems to swing his's the reason...his message! Glover wasn't interested, or seemingly so, in the old white parts of town. Mr. Brown not only was interested but went after our sense that things aren't right witht he city every part of it and told us how he wanted to fix or at least try to start the process.

I give the Times Union credit, not only did you back the winner but then you rubbed salt into the wound by explaining why Mike Hogan lost.  I guess you guys won't be on his Christmas card list this year.

One more item...Mayor Elect Brown, just because you've been given our vote doesn't mean we're blind and won't remember your platform, word for word, so follow through or if Donal Duck runs on a Disney (Mickey Mouse) platform he'll be the NEXT Mayor.


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