Monday, May 30, 2011

Florida T.U. Explains Mayoral Defeat

So let's see, he didn't attend Civic Group functions; he didn't hand-hold the Lt. Gov Jennifer Carroll and he didn't do enough televised debates; so did I hit the big ones that the Florida Times Union put out on the front page of the Sunday paper. 

How about the fact that like Bill McCullum he thought he was chosen one? How about the fact that he didn't have a vison on where the city was headed? Maybe he just took Republicans and Conservatives for granted that we wouldn't vote for a young black man? Here we have a guy who didn't want to debate the issues, didn't seemingly want to do anything but take our money and say it was his turn and he expected to get our vote? Note to Mike Hogan...whatever it's like to live in your world isn't reality.  I know you've been pulling a paycheck from us the voters for 20 years and so it seems you thought we'd allow it to contine when you didn't even ask us for our vote.  Here's another note, your Grandchildren are cute but ineffective or did you get the idea from that miserable excuse for a Toyota Dealer? If you're wondering who I'm talking about that's for another day though I'm sure he's making big bucks as was Mike Hogan since he pulled in over a third more than Mayor Elect Brown too bad he didn't bother to turn that into votes.

You know, that sounds pretty nice; Mayor Elect Alvin Brown, don't you think Mike?

The Time Union compared Mr. Brown to a former candidate Mr. Glover who, though he had name recognition just couldn't get the white, conservatives and Regan Dems to swing his's the reason...his message! Glover wasn't interested, or seemingly so, in the old white parts of town. Mr. Brown not only was interested but went after our sense that things aren't right witht he city every part of it and told us how he wanted to fix or at least try to start the process.

I give the Times Union credit, not only did you back the winner but then you rubbed salt into the wound by explaining why Mike Hogan lost.  I guess you guys won't be on his Christmas card list this year.

One more item...Mayor Elect Brown, just because you've been given our vote doesn't mean we're blind and won't remember your platform, word for word, so follow through or if Donal Duck runs on a Disney (Mickey Mouse) platform he'll be the NEXT Mayor.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Netanyahu KO's O'Bama

It was counter blows and most of all, it was his stately, "I'm a real leader" presence that had even the hardest left-wing O'Bama supporters standing and applauding his speech to the US Congress today.  Though President O'Bama has called for Israel to pull back to 1967 borders Prime Minister Netanyahu has said, with the conviction of a man pushed too far, a resounding "NO." that echoed throughout the House chamber.  He spoke of his nation being a free land but he wouldn't allow borders to be drawn that would make it so narrow that the Washington beltway was wider. 

He spoke of giving up land to create a home for the Palestinian people but not one that was armed or ruled by the hand of Hezbolla  or as he called it "the Palestinian Alqueda." Furthermore he said they must be disarmed for a missle launched by the Palestinians would only allow for a sixty-second response time to find shelter.  He asked if the members our Congress would  want to live like that? Obviously not.

On Sean Hannity's radio show many of his callers  were  saying that here we have a leader and would it be possible to have Netanyahu run for President on the GOP ticket? I too have to wonder whatever happened to the patriotism  that we once had? Whatever happened to the Candidates who spoke of  National Unity and Strength? Have we grown into a country that only has sheep for leaders? When did we forget that Pride in one's own Country is a Good thing? And I can hear it now, "Oh but we must be understanding." CRAP!!! How did that pacifism work out for Neville Chamberlain. Leo Trotsky and Jimmy Carter? I seem  to remember Hitler just moved on into Poland,  Stalin exiled and then killed Trotsky and it was the threat of Ronald Reagan becoming President that freed the hostages.  Maybe "Cowboy Diplomacy" does work after all.

Here is a nation that is surrounded by people who's sole goal is the eradication of them from the face of the Earth.  To finish what Hitler and others had started but they face it with attitude and defiance  as if to say..."bring it on" and that takes something that seems to be lost here in our nation; Courage, Faith and Conviction of Principles.  Our next President or those who want to be the next leader of the free world,  should watch PM Netanyahu and emulate his, Courage, Faith and  Conviction and then maybe we could be a true Super Power again.
                                                 Netanyahu 1       O'Bama 0


Sunday, May 22, 2011

The O'Bama Israel

Apparently President O'Bama has his own idea of what Israel should be...maybe in the back of his mind the word is "Extinct"!  He wants the only TRUE ally we have in the Middle East to disappear, oh but slowly, one mile at a time.  Where else in the center of a city, the corner of a nation or the entire world is a small group fighting for their existance while all those around them are looking to cease that existance?  Somebody please enlighten me on this one.

Ed Koch was quoted on Newsmax recently as saying..."“This is the most dangerous and critical period that Israel has ever faced and regrettably it does not have the support of the President of the United States.” Here's a Leftwing Liberal who probably has NEVER voted for a Republican or even a Conservative in his life considering switching parties over President O'Bama's policy toward Israel and albeit me to agree with someone so far left but I do, he's right.  If a Republican would take a stance like this I'd vote for the Democrat, Independant or someone other than the Conservative.

I've been to Israel and for all the guns floating around every corner these people love life and liberty, sometimes more than Americans do I think and they guard it with a passion.  These people treated me, a military member, like I was back in the states; I even had one family inivite me to dinner to show their appreciation for just being American.  Now I don't know ANY other country where that would happen even here, though I'd like to believe it would.

Israel has stood behind us, supported us, as we have them but they've also taken heat when we had our hands dirty, they were the ones who took the blame.  Who goes against loyalty like that? Oh our own President O'Bama, that's who.

He's appologized for us being the last Big Kid on the block to ALL of the Middle East and so throwing our actual friend Israel into the volcano of Middle Eastern Hate doesn't surprize me.  And the people in Deleware tell me Biden would be worse, HOW?!!!!

So in the next election he may have gained the Illegal, I mean Mexican Border Crosser, vote but he lost every Jewish-American Democrat, Republican or Independant vote.  Oh yeah and those who support our relationship with Israel, though we weren't going to vote for him anyway.

After the most recent events in the whole of the Middle East and OUR President's continuous poor policies regarding the region I have to wonder, will Israel exist if President O'Bama is reelected?

Just asking the question.

A Highschool Education & Reality

The reality is, not every child is going to learn in school.  I personally know of a first year teacher who is not interested in teaching because the Guidence Department, his Supervisor and the Parents want him NOT to fail a student who is doing just that, FAILING! The teacher says the student does “Nothing” in his class but he’s being pushed to give him passing grades as to move this kid through the system.  Wonderful, that’s terriffic no wonder our kids graduate and can’t read or do basic Math.  The kid is LAZY, borderline a thug and his Parents think it’ll effect his self worth if he doesn’t pass his Math class.
To all parties involved…MOVE TO MEXICO! If the kid wants to be lazy fine do it somewhere else…okay maybe FRANCE; though Sarkozy won’t necessarily like that one and the parents probably won’t pay for the airfare.  It just gripes my butt when this happens and the Teachers get the blame for this LAZY, UNMOTIVATED and UNINVOLVED student with parents on the same level.

Here’s another one that I heard from the mother herself…”Black children just don’t learn or take tests like normal children.” Get this, mother and son are BLACK and she’s in the Education system in Florida.  Hey lady your kid either steps up or he can go sweep out the restrooms or do the dishes at Micky D's, though he may be underqualified since he can’t learn like other kids…WHAT OTHER KIDS! Are you saying black people are inferior to other kids? Let’s see I seem to remember some quite intelligent black people or haven’t YOU ever heard of President O’Bama, Colin Powell, or Herman Cain? I guess you didn’t learn about them either.

When do we stop dumbing down the qualifications to graduate High School? When do we stop working with the lowest common denomination and set the bar higher; MAKE THEM STEP UP or FAIL!  You might be surprized how few will actually fail.  Kids and adults achieve as our expectations of them are set.  If you want someone to achieve you must understand they either take what you say as the truth or they cast it off as a challenge to their ability either way it works.  Hey I hear they need people to pick oranges in Florida.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Jacksonville's New Mayor

So we waited and Jacksonville has a new Mayor Elect Alvin Brown.  I can't pick them all but this was I did, okay it was a 50/50 shot and I chose the better of the 2 for the sake of Jacksonville.  There are those celebrating the first black man and a Democrat; doesn't that mean he's an O'Bama wanna be?  No, it  doesn't mean anything other than he rode the Democratic ticket.  My wife, a registered Democrat, often makes  me  look like I voted for Hillary Clinton so the moniker here  in the south means nothing.

Congrats Mr. Brown now go out and do what you campaigned on to  make us Conservatives vote for you...Lower Taxes, Less Government and you taking not only a pay cut but NO Pension. 


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

French Politics

Now before you think I sound like Oliver Stone, just consider the following scenario.
Here we have a the head of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) who is both the potential front-runner to challenge Nikolas Sarkozy for the position of President of France and a known womanizer.  Just to be clear France is going back to a Market Economy with Sarkozy either pulling the plug or slowly eliminating many government programs that are sinking the French economy.  And who appears on the horizon but a challenger that is a hard-line Socialist and would cancel many, if not all, the reforms Sarkozy has implemented. 

On a given night recently this Socialist is doing what he's known for, aggressive sexual encounter with a member of the hotel staff who actually presses charges and suddenly others have come out and are filing suit against him.

How convenient that the one man who could defeat Sarkozy is suddenly at Ryker's Island rooming with the best scum New York City can incarcerate.  Maybe, just maybe he picked on the wrong woman, a New York girl or maybe there's a bank account in a place of her choosing compliments of Sarkozy's long arm; though I'm sure he has enough layers between him and the incident to deny anything like I've just presented. 
You  don't get to be President, even of France without knowing how to dodge a few landmines, especially when you're trying to save your nation  from economic failure.

Jacksonville Waits

So the citizens of Jacksonville, Florida await word of their new Mayor.  Early on Mike Hogan was ahead by such a margin that many of his supporters left his campaign bad they didn't stay.  Sometime before ten the numbers suddenly got a whole lot closer...three votes separated the candidates but Hogan was still  in the lead but the lead was cut to just 3 votes with 98% reporting.  It looked like everything hinged on the absentee ballots and  those who had voted at a different precinct other than the one they were registered.  Then just after 11 that night the final 2% reported in and suddenly Alvin Brown was now in the lead with 614 votes.

Here we have Hogan supported by the Tea Party, raising almost twice what Brown has and yet these candidates are a handful of votes apart.  Could it be that the Tea Party picked the wrong career politician? Nah, they wouldn't pick a 20 plus politician to back, or  would they? They did and he's on the edge of losing or sliding by with a win.  Maybe the voters know something the Tea Party doesn't, Jacksonville deserves better and they just might get it.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Trump! Gingrich! & Huckabee!

Wow, Trump is out and Gingrich is in? Who decided this one?
Though I like Newt I loved Trump.  I know some of you think he's a big glory hound and ego maniac but that would apply to most of our past Presidents; oh and our current one.  I seem to remember President O'Bama as a Hollywood celebrity with his face plastered everywhere...didn't Lenin and Mao do the same thing? Okay, cheap shot but honest.  Hey, I stir the pot whenever possible.  Now I'll be accused of camparing the President to the other Communists but realize it's only on a celebrity level; President O'Bama's policies are more Socialist than Communist but with FLAIR.

Gingrich I don't understand...I've heard about going center for the general election but for the Primary? Did I miss something or is he pulling a McCain? O'Bama care is workable on a State by State level according to what I heard him say on Hanity's show today.  Didn't somebody get into trouble with his own plan by the name of Romney? Maybe I missed the part where Capitalism florishes under mandated healthcare.

And then there's Reverend Huckabee or whatever his title is these days.  A nice, straitght forward good old boy who's about as exciting as watching cement dry...though I must admit President Carter would make Huckabee look like a member of Run DMC.  Carter's early photos looked like ads for the ADA (American Dental Association) and he did have a brother who made life interesting for the Govenor and later President.

Come on Trump what's a little $60 mil when you're running for President? (Thanks to Newsmax for the info). Your son Don could do the job and NBC would only have to spend, say $48 mil to get him; okay that's a guess.  You finially stood up and allowed some of us to believe in Nationalism and Patriotism rather than wondering who is going to make us appologize for being the last Big Kid ont he block.  Oh well, I'll have to keep watching Apprentice and wondering "what if" as I get underwhelmed by what is currently on the Republican ticket. 

Oh and a note to contender Ron Paul, get some tanning gel you look more like a zombie than a Presidential Candidate.  Lest we forget that during the television debates with Nixon and Kennedy; Nixon looked washed out while Kennedy looked Presidential even though his message was weak and Americans are shallow.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Deer Conservation?

I was recently talking to a hunter and former sporting goods dealer from Pennsylvania and I discovered something quite interesting...the hunters and PETA have a mutual enemy, Automotive Insurance Companies.  It seems the deer herds from Maryland to New York are dwindling except in the extremely remote ares of the states due to one common item, salt. 

Now what does this have to do with the AIC's bringing hunters and animal rights activists together? Well deer like salt and during the winter when the state has ice on the roads guess what they like to use to on the roads? That's right SALT!  So here we have a volatile mix of deer on slick roads and drivers not being able to stop.  Guess who ends up forking the bill for this one? EVERYONE!!! Oh the insurance companies would like nothing better than to see every deer eradicated while hunters and every animal rights groups want to see them flourishing so who gets in the middle the Sate governments.  This former small businessman and many like him wanted to stop selling doe licenses thus allowing the herds to grow so what does, specifically the Pennsylvania Game Commission decide to do? They threatened the store owners with pulling their ability to sell ANY license including fishing, trapping and others as well as flooding the market with doe licenses the following year through Wal-Mart, Bass Pro Shops etc.  This man and many like him packed it in and hung up his rifle knowing he couldn't fight the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 

I don't begrudge any company from making a profit but I'm also a hunter and a conservationist, as most hunters are but this is a travesty of political proportions.  I recommended that this hunter and those who he knows should start a campaign to combine their efforts with those of groups like the NRA and PETA (never thought I'd put those two in the same sentence let alone as allies) and toss out those in the state capital of Harrisburg who supported the insurance companies.  But alas the hunter is old and had neither the time or the resources to pursue this avenue though he did like the idea.

This is the problem with the voters today in general, they are but sheep waiting to be slaughtered.  How does that old quote go; "For evil to flourish all that is needed is for good men to do nothing." Apathy is the road to an end of things as we know them.  The northeast is loaded with good men and women, all interested in saving the whitetailed deer population even if the dollars of the insurance companies are being stuffed into the pockets of the respective game commissions.  If only there was a group that they could fashion themselves after that has made a difference in elections as a grass-roots orgainiztion; oh there is the Tea Party. 

The bottom line is this, yes insurance companies are allowed to make a profit but not at the expense of a species being brought to near extinction in areas where they once were as many as the stars in the sky.  When men hunted with their sons and daughters in the bitter cold of a snowy morning.  When a couple who have not hunted for venison in many years watch as the deer eat apples beneath the tree in their yard at dusk.  Or the children afraid in their summer night beds as they hear the snorting  of a deer beneath their open window.  This is one area where profit must be second to that of the future good for all people.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Jax City Council District 6 (Mandarin)

Here we have two men that, on the surface, appear both equally qualified and questions exist about each candidate.  Jack Web who voted for higher fees and thus raised the amount of money we pay in taxes though they called it a "Fee" not a tax is the incumbant while Matt Schellenberg is the challenger.

Jack came on the scene carried by Mandarin residents in a close race but in the end Jack won the spot and has done well for Mandarin.  Is he perfect no, oh well, look in your mirror and see imperfection but he's got carrisma and is always willing to seize an opportunity.

And then there's Matt Schellenberg a Businessman / Minister and that right there makes me a bit nervous but the fact that he's an unknown entity in political circles bothers me.  Okay I know what he wants to do but his web page reads more like he should be running for Mayor than for City Council

So who do I like here? Jack Web without question.  Now the why is simple, Jack has a history, both positive and negative but when you talk to him he's willing to say what he got right and what he got wrong.  I have been playing the political game for a very long time and I can't recall the last time I talked with any politician who admitted he made mistakes and would change something if he ever had the opportunity to do so.   This is not to say Matt isn't a good man, I believe he truly is secure with himself but in my never to be bias opinion, maybe he should help out with a campaign or two, stepping out to help others before he decides to step up.

Jack has always been available whenever I've called his office and I never feel like he's using his office as a stepping stone to a higher office.  Though I must admit that if he should seek higher office and take what he learned here, well, Jacksonville and all of Florida would benefit.

This is going to be a close one but my money and efforts are going with the integrity and experience of Jack over maybe and we hope he's this or that of Matt.  Anyway I would ask you cast your vote for Jack Webb.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bin Laden Photos

Here we go again, he's not really dead, it' someone else, the pictures are fake.  I know and these are the same people who believe JFK and Marilyn Monroe are living together in a small town in Iowa.  Or maybe the same ones who don't believe we went to the moon or that Hitler trying to exterminate the Jews was made up to make him look bad to the rest of the world. 

Whether the pictures are released or not makes no difference, he's DEAD! Thank you God and the Navy Seal who fired the shot.  Now, Sean Hannity does make a good point; if we post the picture with a comment like; this is what we do best...take out Terrorist!, then maybe it's a good idea. Oh and I have news for those who say it will incite violence...WAKE UP!!! These lunitics don't need a reason other than we are AMERICANS! They don't care what color we are or our religion, we're Americans and that makes us EVIL in their eyes.  Let's see, a photo that they really don't believe is their supreme leader, will encite violence...oh wait TOO LATE!!! Didn't Presidnet O'Bama say he was sorry to eveyone in the Middle East and oh yeah the Far East and I'm sure there had to be others so why can't we just all get along? It's simple, they HATE US!!! Accept it, this is the world in which we live.  Either they are eliminated or we are and I most certainly vote that they are elimiated by whatever means are available. 

Oh and if you want to know about waterboarding or other forms of torture just ask anyone who spent time at the Hanoi Hilton or a military fighter pilot; they'll tell you it's quite effective.

So do we publish the photo's? Who cares, do it or not Bin Laden is DEAD and some other lunitic is going to take his place and plan something horrible and that's the facts.
As I said in an earlier post, enjoy the moment, it isn't going to last.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Canada Goes Conservative

Just when you'd think we're setting the standards for the world the world is changing and leaving us far behind.  The United States of America, the world leader in Greedy Bastards; that includes anyone who wants to win the Lotto or actually work for it, is trailing in Capitalism.  Yes now even that bastion of Liberalism who took our Contientious Objectors to the Viet Nam War. is a majority Conservative nation after recent elections. 

I was shocked when the Donald Trump of France, President Nicolas Sarkozy, proposed sweeping changes that would turn his country from Socialist to Capitalist but now Canada? Why next thing you know the First Lady will allow her husband to eat at Burger King, nah. 

So what does this mean for us? Simple businesses here in the States will be moving to a more "business friendly" atmosphere north of the border and I don't blame them.
Ford already makes cars and trucks up there and they produce more oil for us than any other nation; over 50% of our imports.  I'd be willing to bet you didn't know that one, did you? It's in the DOE (Department of Energy) annual report but I forget the exact figure.  Oh and if you're going to curse or boycott or threaten companies that leave don't bother, you have nobody to blame but yourself for electing the spineless leaders we have in Washington.  Oh and business can do it without fear of retalliation from our government because of something called NAFTA, a Bill Clinton item that I actully like.
Hey, I wonder how property values are in Canada?


Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden

He's DEAD! Yep, he's Tango Uniform (toes up) or in his case he's being recycled in accordance with Earth Day.  Like that did you?

I listened to the President and for the first time in 2 plus years he not only sounded like a class act but he actually presented a  Presidential air about himself.  For a few brief moments I was actually proud of him being my President.  He had the testosterone flowing and made the call to take OBL out which the Navy Seal did as requested.  BRAVO to you and your fellow warriors, impressive.  He ran but he couldn't hide forever and finally he's now doing something useful, feeding the fish.

The true question is what's next? Will someone take his place? Yes! Who? Now there's the rub, nobody knows because everything I know and everything I hear from my sources says there will be a power struggle between several factions.  My guess is the seat of power has now moved to Yemen since Gaddafi isn't an option for a home base.  Now to  throw something else into the mix what does this mean for Iran? They've been using OBL as the big terrorist everyone was looking for but now they may be under closer scrutiny and they're well aware of it, so look for them to keep a low profile for a few months while the crazies that belonged to OBL fight it out and plan on their retribution toward the U.S.  My guess is that things will happen quickly as I'm sure one of his Captains will pull something to show his power and his rightful position as the terrorist head.  I still think if we would've kept him at Gitmo and then pick off his followers as they tried to land in Cuba in an attempt to rescue their leader, but this works as well.

So for a few days or weeks, enjoy the moments, trust me when I say it won't last.
Oh and will all of the jokes floating about I have to wonder, did God specify what creature the 21 virgins would be, use your imagination but they may not be human females.  I guess he's found out by now.
