Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Highschool Education & Reality

The reality is, not every child is going to learn in school.  I personally know of a first year teacher who is not interested in teaching because the Guidence Department, his Supervisor and the Parents want him NOT to fail a student who is doing just that, FAILING! The teacher says the student does “Nothing” in his class but he’s being pushed to give him passing grades as to move this kid through the system.  Wonderful, that’s terriffic no wonder our kids graduate and can’t read or do basic Math.  The kid is LAZY, borderline a thug and his Parents think it’ll effect his self worth if he doesn’t pass his Math class.
To all parties involved…MOVE TO MEXICO! If the kid wants to be lazy fine do it somewhere else…okay maybe FRANCE; though Sarkozy won’t necessarily like that one and the parents probably won’t pay for the airfare.  It just gripes my butt when this happens and the Teachers get the blame for this LAZY, UNMOTIVATED and UNINVOLVED student with parents on the same level.

Here’s another one that I heard from the mother herself…”Black children just don’t learn or take tests like normal children.” Get this, mother and son are BLACK and she’s in the Education system in Florida.  Hey lady your kid either steps up or he can go sweep out the restrooms or do the dishes at Micky D's, though he may be underqualified since he can’t learn like other kids…WHAT OTHER KIDS! Are you saying black people are inferior to other kids? Let’s see I seem to remember some quite intelligent black people or haven’t YOU ever heard of President O’Bama, Colin Powell, or Herman Cain? I guess you didn’t learn about them either.

When do we stop dumbing down the qualifications to graduate High School? When do we stop working with the lowest common denomination and set the bar higher; MAKE THEM STEP UP or FAIL!  You might be surprized how few will actually fail.  Kids and adults achieve as our expectations of them are set.  If you want someone to achieve you must understand they either take what you say as the truth or they cast it off as a challenge to their ability either way it works.  Hey I hear they need people to pick oranges in Florida.


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