Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bin Laden Photos

Here we go again, he's not really dead, it' someone else, the pictures are fake.  I know and these are the same people who believe JFK and Marilyn Monroe are living together in a small town in Iowa.  Or maybe the same ones who don't believe we went to the moon or that Hitler trying to exterminate the Jews was made up to make him look bad to the rest of the world. 

Whether the pictures are released or not makes no difference, he's DEAD! Thank you God and the Navy Seal who fired the shot.  Now, Sean Hannity does make a good point; if we post the picture with a comment like; this is what we do best...take out Terrorist!, then maybe it's a good idea. Oh and I have news for those who say it will incite violence...WAKE UP!!! These lunitics don't need a reason other than we are AMERICANS! They don't care what color we are or our religion, we're Americans and that makes us EVIL in their eyes.  Let's see, a photo that they really don't believe is their supreme leader, will encite violence...oh wait TOO LATE!!! Didn't Presidnet O'Bama say he was sorry to eveyone in the Middle East and oh yeah the Far East and I'm sure there had to be others so why can't we just all get along? It's simple, they HATE US!!! Accept it, this is the world in which we live.  Either they are eliminated or we are and I most certainly vote that they are elimiated by whatever means are available. 

Oh and if you want to know about waterboarding or other forms of torture just ask anyone who spent time at the Hanoi Hilton or a military fighter pilot; they'll tell you it's quite effective.

So do we publish the photo's? Who cares, do it or not Bin Laden is DEAD and some other lunitic is going to take his place and plan something horrible and that's the facts.
As I said in an earlier post, enjoy the moment, it isn't going to last.


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