Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Canada Goes Conservative

Just when you'd think we're setting the standards for the world the world is changing and leaving us far behind.  The United States of America, the world leader in Greedy Bastards; that includes anyone who wants to win the Lotto or actually work for it, is trailing in Capitalism.  Yes now even that bastion of Liberalism who took our Contientious Objectors to the Viet Nam War. is a majority Conservative nation after recent elections. 

I was shocked when the Donald Trump of France, President Nicolas Sarkozy, proposed sweeping changes that would turn his country from Socialist to Capitalist but now Canada? Why next thing you know the First Lady will allow her husband to eat at Burger King, nah. 

So what does this mean for us? Simple businesses here in the States will be moving to a more "business friendly" atmosphere north of the border and I don't blame them.
Ford already makes cars and trucks up there and they produce more oil for us than any other nation; over 50% of our imports.  I'd be willing to bet you didn't know that one, did you? It's in the DOE (Department of Energy) annual report but I forget the exact figure.  Oh and if you're going to curse or boycott or threaten companies that leave don't bother, you have nobody to blame but yourself for electing the spineless leaders we have in Washington.  Oh and business can do it without fear of retalliation from our government because of something called NAFTA, a Bill Clinton item that I actully like.
Hey, I wonder how property values are in Canada?


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