Sunday, May 22, 2011

The O'Bama Israel

Apparently President O'Bama has his own idea of what Israel should be...maybe in the back of his mind the word is "Extinct"!  He wants the only TRUE ally we have in the Middle East to disappear, oh but slowly, one mile at a time.  Where else in the center of a city, the corner of a nation or the entire world is a small group fighting for their existance while all those around them are looking to cease that existance?  Somebody please enlighten me on this one.

Ed Koch was quoted on Newsmax recently as saying..."“This is the most dangerous and critical period that Israel has ever faced and regrettably it does not have the support of the President of the United States.” Here's a Leftwing Liberal who probably has NEVER voted for a Republican or even a Conservative in his life considering switching parties over President O'Bama's policy toward Israel and albeit me to agree with someone so far left but I do, he's right.  If a Republican would take a stance like this I'd vote for the Democrat, Independant or someone other than the Conservative.

I've been to Israel and for all the guns floating around every corner these people love life and liberty, sometimes more than Americans do I think and they guard it with a passion.  These people treated me, a military member, like I was back in the states; I even had one family inivite me to dinner to show their appreciation for just being American.  Now I don't know ANY other country where that would happen even here, though I'd like to believe it would.

Israel has stood behind us, supported us, as we have them but they've also taken heat when we had our hands dirty, they were the ones who took the blame.  Who goes against loyalty like that? Oh our own President O'Bama, that's who.

He's appologized for us being the last Big Kid on the block to ALL of the Middle East and so throwing our actual friend Israel into the volcano of Middle Eastern Hate doesn't surprize me.  And the people in Deleware tell me Biden would be worse, HOW?!!!!

So in the next election he may have gained the Illegal, I mean Mexican Border Crosser, vote but he lost every Jewish-American Democrat, Republican or Independant vote.  Oh yeah and those who support our relationship with Israel, though we weren't going to vote for him anyway.

After the most recent events in the whole of the Middle East and OUR President's continuous poor policies regarding the region I have to wonder, will Israel exist if President O'Bama is reelected?

Just asking the question.

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