Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jacksonville Waits

So the citizens of Jacksonville, Florida await word of their new Mayor.  Early on Mike Hogan was ahead by such a margin that many of his supporters left his campaign bad they didn't stay.  Sometime before ten the numbers suddenly got a whole lot closer...three votes separated the candidates but Hogan was still  in the lead but the lead was cut to just 3 votes with 98% reporting.  It looked like everything hinged on the absentee ballots and  those who had voted at a different precinct other than the one they were registered.  Then just after 11 that night the final 2% reported in and suddenly Alvin Brown was now in the lead with 614 votes.

Here we have Hogan supported by the Tea Party, raising almost twice what Brown has and yet these candidates are a handful of votes apart.  Could it be that the Tea Party picked the wrong career politician? Nah, they wouldn't pick a 20 plus politician to back, or  would they? They did and he's on the edge of losing or sliding by with a win.  Maybe the voters know something the Tea Party doesn't, Jacksonville deserves better and they just might get it.


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