Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Netanyahu KO's O'Bama

It was counter blows and most of all, it was his stately, "I'm a real leader" presence that had even the hardest left-wing O'Bama supporters standing and applauding his speech to the US Congress today.  Though President O'Bama has called for Israel to pull back to 1967 borders Prime Minister Netanyahu has said, with the conviction of a man pushed too far, a resounding "NO." that echoed throughout the House chamber.  He spoke of his nation being a free land but he wouldn't allow borders to be drawn that would make it so narrow that the Washington beltway was wider. 

He spoke of giving up land to create a home for the Palestinian people but not one that was armed or ruled by the hand of Hezbolla  or as he called it "the Palestinian Alqueda." Furthermore he said they must be disarmed for a missle launched by the Palestinians would only allow for a sixty-second response time to find shelter.  He asked if the members our Congress would  want to live like that? Obviously not.

On Sean Hannity's radio show many of his callers  were  saying that here we have a leader and would it be possible to have Netanyahu run for President on the GOP ticket? I too have to wonder whatever happened to the patriotism  that we once had? Whatever happened to the Candidates who spoke of  National Unity and Strength? Have we grown into a country that only has sheep for leaders? When did we forget that Pride in one's own Country is a Good thing? And I can hear it now, "Oh but we must be understanding." CRAP!!! How did that pacifism work out for Neville Chamberlain. Leo Trotsky and Jimmy Carter? I seem  to remember Hitler just moved on into Poland,  Stalin exiled and then killed Trotsky and it was the threat of Ronald Reagan becoming President that freed the hostages.  Maybe "Cowboy Diplomacy" does work after all.

Here is a nation that is surrounded by people who's sole goal is the eradication of them from the face of the Earth.  To finish what Hitler and others had started but they face it with attitude and defiance  as if to say..."bring it on" and that takes something that seems to be lost here in our nation; Courage, Faith and Conviction of Principles.  Our next President or those who want to be the next leader of the free world,  should watch PM Netanyahu and emulate his, Courage, Faith and  Conviction and then maybe we could be a true Super Power again.
                                                 Netanyahu 1       O'Bama 0


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