Monday, May 16, 2011

Trump! Gingrich! & Huckabee!

Wow, Trump is out and Gingrich is in? Who decided this one?
Though I like Newt I loved Trump.  I know some of you think he's a big glory hound and ego maniac but that would apply to most of our past Presidents; oh and our current one.  I seem to remember President O'Bama as a Hollywood celebrity with his face plastered everywhere...didn't Lenin and Mao do the same thing? Okay, cheap shot but honest.  Hey, I stir the pot whenever possible.  Now I'll be accused of camparing the President to the other Communists but realize it's only on a celebrity level; President O'Bama's policies are more Socialist than Communist but with FLAIR.

Gingrich I don't understand...I've heard about going center for the general election but for the Primary? Did I miss something or is he pulling a McCain? O'Bama care is workable on a State by State level according to what I heard him say on Hanity's show today.  Didn't somebody get into trouble with his own plan by the name of Romney? Maybe I missed the part where Capitalism florishes under mandated healthcare.

And then there's Reverend Huckabee or whatever his title is these days.  A nice, straitght forward good old boy who's about as exciting as watching cement dry...though I must admit President Carter would make Huckabee look like a member of Run DMC.  Carter's early photos looked like ads for the ADA (American Dental Association) and he did have a brother who made life interesting for the Govenor and later President.

Come on Trump what's a little $60 mil when you're running for President? (Thanks to Newsmax for the info). Your son Don could do the job and NBC would only have to spend, say $48 mil to get him; okay that's a guess.  You finially stood up and allowed some of us to believe in Nationalism and Patriotism rather than wondering who is going to make us appologize for being the last Big Kid ont he block.  Oh well, I'll have to keep watching Apprentice and wondering "what if" as I get underwhelmed by what is currently on the Republican ticket. 

Oh and a note to contender Ron Paul, get some tanning gel you look more like a zombie than a Presidential Candidate.  Lest we forget that during the television debates with Nixon and Kennedy; Nixon looked washed out while Kennedy looked Presidential even though his message was weak and Americans are shallow.


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