Friday, May 6, 2011

Jax City Council District 6 (Mandarin)

Here we have two men that, on the surface, appear both equally qualified and questions exist about each candidate.  Jack Web who voted for higher fees and thus raised the amount of money we pay in taxes though they called it a "Fee" not a tax is the incumbant while Matt Schellenberg is the challenger.

Jack came on the scene carried by Mandarin residents in a close race but in the end Jack won the spot and has done well for Mandarin.  Is he perfect no, oh well, look in your mirror and see imperfection but he's got carrisma and is always willing to seize an opportunity.

And then there's Matt Schellenberg a Businessman / Minister and that right there makes me a bit nervous but the fact that he's an unknown entity in political circles bothers me.  Okay I know what he wants to do but his web page reads more like he should be running for Mayor than for City Council

So who do I like here? Jack Web without question.  Now the why is simple, Jack has a history, both positive and negative but when you talk to him he's willing to say what he got right and what he got wrong.  I have been playing the political game for a very long time and I can't recall the last time I talked with any politician who admitted he made mistakes and would change something if he ever had the opportunity to do so.   This is not to say Matt isn't a good man, I believe he truly is secure with himself but in my never to be bias opinion, maybe he should help out with a campaign or two, stepping out to help others before he decides to step up.

Jack has always been available whenever I've called his office and I never feel like he's using his office as a stepping stone to a higher office.  Though I must admit that if he should seek higher office and take what he learned here, well, Jacksonville and all of Florida would benefit.

This is going to be a close one but my money and efforts are going with the integrity and experience of Jack over maybe and we hope he's this or that of Matt.  Anyway I would ask you cast your vote for Jack Webb.


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